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5 / 100
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Общий онлайн: 26 / 300
07 Января 2021 в 23:00 1301 / 0
​ Santa is packing up and clearing out the bodies, we hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season. We're getting back to work after a couple of weeks off which is why this is a light blog and we are looking forward to the journey ahead in 2021!20212020 was a strange year to be sure but regardless, we managed to add quite a few significant elements to the game : Ring Road Modular Turrets CCTV Cameras Farming 2.0 Night Vision Goggles Electric Heaters Rust+ Modular Vehicles Airwolf, Boat shop, ...
18 Декабря 2020 в 23:00 1273 / 0
​ It's the most wonderful time of the year! ​ Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! ​ From everyone at Facepunch, we'd all like to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! The Christmas Event is once again live! If you haven't been around for this before, here's what you can expect:Every once in a while you will hear the sound of jingle bells. Run outside and look for a gift! Two gifts are spawned per player, in a radius of about 40m from where you are standing. Run up and...
03 Декабря 2020 в 23:00 2612 / 0
​ This month we have added the tech tree which will give you the choice of how you unlock your blueprints, this has also led to a huge update on item crafting recipes, tiers and the loot you will find in airdrops and heli/bradley crates. ​ Tech TreeIn November 2017 I implemented Workbench experimenting which allowed the player to use scrap to gain a random unknown blueprint. Since this time we've added nearly an extra 130 items which has made random experimenting both costly and frustrating. ...
06 Ноября 2020 в 23:00 1502 / 0
This month's update brings horse stables to purchase your trusty steeds, a new telephone system you can add to your base or find public phones along the roads and at monuments, a Taxi module for vehicles along with changes to vehicle costs, crafting and balancing along with the usual improvements and fixes and a moustache ??StablesYou'll now be able to acquire horses at one of the two new monuments, the Ranch and Large Barn. Simply approach the Stable Master and start a conversation. You can pur...
26 Октября 2020 в 23:00 1581 / 0
​   ​ Happy Halloween!The Rust Halloween event is upon us! We've released a patch containing lots of spooky features, enabled the Trick or Treat event, NPC Mummies and a surprise. ​ We've also updated the Halloween loot tables from last years event and added a new item "Ghost Costume" (see image below), you'll be able to find these as rare drops from killing Scarecrow NPCs.Trick Or Treat Event ​ Once roughly every two in-game days, a candy hunt event will begin. You'll have 3 minutes...