First look at a new monument, improved cheat reporting, optimizations, a new Hazmat Suit, and more.Hazmat ChangesThe new and awesome makeshift Hazmat Suit from Taylor Reynolds is now in-game. This replaces the existing item visuals and should help differentiate scientists from players when they are fully in-game. That doesn't mean that you'll never be able to find a legit scientist suit, so you can still roleplay as an NPC if you get one. The suit is now also user craftable. You'll need to re...
New arrows, base damage visuals, trees, pants and more.New Arrow TypesI've added a couple new arrow types to the game: Bone and Fire.Bone arrows travel slightly slower and do less damage, but are way, way, waaay easier to hit people with. Their bounding box is 3x that of a regular arrow. These are a default blueprint.
Fire arrows are a bit of a disaster right now, so please understand that this implementation is a 'first pass'. The visual effects are kind of crappy, and they don't work...
Небольшое обновление после каникул: рождественский квест с подарками завершен, произведён глобальный вайп и началась работа над новыми деревьями.Tree & Foliage RevampКак некоторые из вас, возможно, заметили, прочитав мои загадочные коммиты, я пытался сделать новую пихту. У нас были некоторые обсуждения о состоянии деревьев в Rust и решили, что пора бы их улучшить. Цель состоит в том, чтобы заменить старые деревья, которые были сделаны быстро. Это связано с двумя основными преимуществами: ...
Ho-ho... no! Before he was murdered, Santa delivered some treats: weapon admire animations, night-time changes, a new flashlight, flares and more. This is it for us for 2017, we'll see you next year. Happy holidays!Weapon Admire AnimationsThanks to Alex Webster's hard work over the past month, we now have a nearly complete set of weapon admire animations. You can press the examine key to take a look at your weapon and/or skins. Default key is 'N', though you may have to bind it manually in th...
Season's beatings! Xmas has arrived in Rust.Christmas EventMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! The Christmas Event is now live! If you've been playing Rust for a while, you know what this means. If you haven't, here's what you can expect:Every once in a while you will hear the sound of jingle bells. Run outside and look for a gift! Two gifts are spawned per player, in a radius of about 40m from where you are standing. Run up and bash it open to receive your Christmas presents. The...